A lovely setting for a wonderful day!
From late May into June wild flowers abound in the churchyards and hedgerows.
Gwinear is a peaceful spot for your special day at any time of year no matter how small or large
the attendance will be. We rejoice with you and offer all the help we can as you prepare.
Around May and June wildflowers are in abundance while in winter candles, berries and greenery may
add even more beauty to the setting.
Baptisms: Babies and sometimes older new members are welcomed into our church family
through baptism. The service is just for you, whether for a tiny family group or
a service with thirty toddlers present too!
For the bereft: At times of great sadness we offer our prayers and extend our sympathy.
The clergy will be there to support you as you prepare a very personal service.
Sometimes families bring favourite flowers from home,
daffodils, camellias etc. The photo here is from a
thanksgiving service for a lady who loved her garden.
Most of the flowers were picked from family gardens.
There are all sorts of ways of making the service
special for you.
Please contact:
Rev Patricia Murley (01736 754386) OR Rev Clive Morton (01736 603040)